
pHresh Blog

My experience on Fox News!

By pHresh Products

Apr 2

Being on Fox News was a highlight from all the work I have done in the past 5 years!

Liana and Carol on Fox News

Dr. Robert Scott Bell was the one who introduced me to the producers of “A Healthy You” hosted by Carol Alt on Fox News. They were curious about this new ‘diet’ hitting the market – what we know as The Earth Diet!

I met Robert Scott Bell on a radio interview in 2011. Robert healed himself of many health conditions, as a lot of us did that now dedicate our lives to the health industry. He is a radio host on Natural News Radio and has interviewed me many times in the past few years. In fact the very first time I announced my new book would be published by Hay House, I went on his show and started the 365 day countdown! Today is 208 days to the book launch! You can listen to the archives here anytime:

Robert Scott Bell on Carol Alt Show

Robert went on Fox News in January 2014, to talk about natural alternatives to healing allergies – for good. After his segment, Robert asked me and another powerful health advocate Ty Bollinger (Cancer Does Not Have To Be A Death Sentence), “Can you believe that just happened?”….”No!” I said laughing. It is such a dream come true to see alternative health become more popular in mainstream! We have all been called ‘Quacks’ before in the media – with some making fun of us that ‘you can’t heal cancer with food and the mind’….well actually yes you can – and now more people are believing it as more are experiencing it! We cannot deny the results.

Carol Alt who is the host of “A Healthy You” on Fox News is so determined to share health because she herself healed health conditions by eating majority raw foods that provide our body with so much nutrition! She also overcame body image issues and now says “At the age of 52, I’m in the best shape of my life, and I’m healthier than ever.”

Fox News has over 5 million likes on facebook! And millions of people tune into Fox News in USA everyday.

If you missed my segment you can watch the video online here:

Screenshot of video

When the producers invited me on Fox News I was excited and also nervous! This would be my first tv appearance to a larger crowd. Last year I was on Better TV making 3-ingredient chocolate balls which had a smaller audience. Available to watch here:

I pitched a few ideas to Fox News about what we could do with my segment. They loved the idea of ‘Natures Candy’. My mission is to bring the message of health to the world, and my job is to teach people how to live a natural lifestyle. The Earth Diet book is a way we can all access the health we want. In my new book I have fit in everything I possibly could from what I have learned over the past 5 years, the most common questions I get and the most popular recipes. One hot topic with people is always how can I get off junk foods and eat healthier foods… ‘it would be so much easier if I did not crave junk foods!’

So on Fox News I had 6 minutes to show some of “Natures Candy”. The idea is that if we can find alternatives to our favorite junk foods, and have them also provide us with nutrition, then we have it all! I was addicted to junk foods for 5 years before getting my major wake up call when a tumor popped in my throat! Finding these healthy alternatives has literally saved my life! Now I don’t feel like I am depriving myself, or missing out on eating chips, soda, candy or cookies! I still get to enjoy them and this is how:

1. Kale Chips replaces Doritos (Nutrition vs Toxic)
2. Kombucha replaces Soda (Nutrition vs Deadly)

Kale chips

3. Fruit Leathers replace Candy (Nutrition vs Deadly)

Candy Alternative

4. Raw Cookie Dough replaces Cookies (Processed. refined sugar, dairy, soy, gluten)

(Nutrition vs immediate bloating)

Natures Candy

You can read more about my journey to finding “Natures Candy” and meeting Carol Alt in my blog that Carol featured on her site:

Here are some of Natures Candy recipes!

For the Cheesecake lovers! A healthy cheesecake loaded with antioxidants, and absolutely no cheese at all! Click HERE for the recipe.

Earth Diet Raw Strawberry Cashew Cheesecake

For the cookie lovers! This is a raw cookie dough made with nuts! High in protein and antioxidants. Click HERE for the recipe!

Raw Almond Cookie Dough Balls Earth Diet

For the people who want to try kale chips! Click HERE for the recipe.

Earth Diet Kale Chips recipe cred ER-S

It takes a team to create a health revolution on the planet. We know we are living in a health revolution when we see more companies coming out with healthy products. We also know it because health is becoming easier and more accessible to us all! When I first started The Earth Diet there were barely any health foods available in convenience stores, and certainly not many organic skin care and hair care products. I eat what nature provides. I also use nature in my home and on my skin!

Screenshot from instagram

I want to acknowledge the people who helped make up my appearance for FOX. If you have been reading my blogs since 2009 you will know that I believe we must be able to eat what we put on our skin – as our skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs everything! So with that in mind, I get my hair done at the NY Hair Co on Amsterdam (Upper West Side). I choose this salon because they use animal cruelty free products and the owner Andrew Gouldhimself is a vegan. They also use organic dyes. I support any company who are making changes to a more natural and sustainable practice. I have been going to them for over a year now and I am very happy I have found a hair salon with the same philosophy of a healthier earth. “It is our owner Andrew Gould’s personal commitment to the humane treatment of animals and his belief in caring for the environment that has set the tone for the salon. The salon’s priority is to use and sell only cruelty-free hair care products (no animal testing). And whenever possible, the salon strives to be green by offering organic hair care products and color, as well as using green energy (wind and solar) and green cleaning products that are good for you and for the environment and using ceramic coffee cups in place of paper cups to cut down on paper waste.”  Yes Yes Yes we are witnessing a health revolution! NY Hair Co did a great job at making my hair look vibrant and healthy for FOX!

I like to wear as little make up as possible, as I prefer to have a natural look. I found ADORN Cosmetics in 2011 and have been using them ever since. I spoke with Briony the founder, who has created an entire line of gorgeous make up that we can literally eat! It is all plant based, vegan, animal cruelty free! I am not even a vegan myself (however 70% of my diet is raw and vegan), I pick and choose where to consume animals, and having them on my face is not what I want. A lot of cosmetics are tested on animals, it is really cruel, if you want to be turned off it forever just youtube testing on animals. ADORN’s line is designed to enhance our already beautiful features, with less chemicals. Every photo you have seen of me since 2011 I am wearing ADORN! It is available at

Last year as I started to get booked for more events and interviews, at first I was buying new dresses and outfits. Then I realized I do not want to fill my closest with more and more clothing, especially if I was to only wear an outfit once, and that to fit into my sustainable philosophy I would rather have dresses lent to me, and am happy to wear them and then give them back. So I found a company called “Rent The Runway” who borrow out dresses for an event and then you ship them back. They were so great to work with, and they have so many beautiful dresses available on their site, and we get to rent them for less of a price than buying them, and then simply return them! This is totally awesome for the earth friendly lady who wants to consume less. Because when we buy clothing we are using some of earths resources. Did you know that when we buy an iPhone, a chunk the size of a car is carved out of the earth! So we must be mindful of the resources we are using!

Liana Werner-Gray Backstage

I am also so grateful that my friend and very talented photographer Roxxe (Roxxe NYC Photography) was able to join me that day and capture some of the moments. And thank you Jean Weiss for your support. I could not do this alone! And it is because of you reading this, that is helping the earth shift to a healthier space.

At the end of filming, I gave the producers and Carol at Fox a gift bag, I absolutely love giving gifts of health and if someone gave me 1 million dollars to just give out gifts to the world – I would love that haha! I gave them a lemon shot from Organic Avenue, some chocolate from the Raw Chocolate Man, and some pHresh Greens.


I am so happy to be able to go on TV and share the message of alternative health to a lot of people. From working in this industry for the past 5 years I have noticed radical change and people moving toward healthier options. It is a dream come true. I do believe as a human race we are working together to create a better earth, a more sustainable earth and a healthy earth where food, happiness and money is balanced among all.

After Fox News I went to one of my favorite places to dine for raw organic food – Pure Food and Wine!

Liana Werner-Gray Fox News pHresh Products

If you are like I was – addicted to junk foods- and you want to get off them – remember to find a healthier alternative! If you can eat your favorite foods while they also provide you with nutrition – then you have it all! My recipe has hundreds of free recipes for you to print and download!

208 days to my new book launch! It is available for pre-order on AMAZON.

The Earth Diet Book

Love Liana

Chat with me on I am there everyday!
#ShareHealth #HealthRevolution

The opinions expressed in this section are the opinions of the authors. These articles and all remarks and opinions within it are the direct opinions of the author. These articles may not express the direct opinion of pHresh Products and should not be deemed as any guarantee or claim being made by pHresh Products.

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