
Matthew John


"Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost." - J.R.R. Tolkein

“I just want to inspire and motivate people to be the best version of themselves they could possibly be.” – Matthew John

Matthew John was born and raised in South Orange County, California; where he has been exposed to many different cultures that influence his creative works, not only in music but paintings, drawings and photography as well. Aside from writing and recording music, Matthew is passionate about nutrition and fitness, and has trained in mixed martial arts for over 4 years, with experience in boxing, kickboxing, muy thai and brazilian jiu-jitsu. He is also driven and motivated by traveling, experiencing new things and living in the moment.

1. What motivates you?

I think that over the past few years I’ve really focused on developing into the best version of myself that I can be. Mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.. being able to take a step back and really look at my life and the people I love around me that inspire me to keep doing what I love and I am passionate about; I almost feel a responsibility to give back..kind of help people find that in themselves, and event just the IDEA that an individual can dramatically change or help some other person or thing or even a cause.. well thats motivating enough for me.

2. Describe a difficult work situation you were in and how you overcame it?

I feel like my whole journey into the world of creating myself and finding myself artistically and will always be a difficult challenge in which I will be continuously have to overcome. As individuals, we are constantly changing our minds and for me being an artist with so much competition, I will forever be rolling with the punches. I just have to keep doing what I’ve always done and stay focused, and passionate and believe in what I am doing.. the rest will flow naturally.

3. What are your goals for the future?

When I was a kid, I’d always dreamed of hearing my songs on the radio, where everybody knew the words and were sing’n along, and as I still dream and possess the same passion and desire to make that happen, I have no doubt that one day, I will find myself living in that reality.

4. What’s your favorite snack?

Hmm thats tough, I love food.. I think since I am always on the go between the studio, the gym and meetings, I always seem to run towards trail mix! the good kinda with chocolate pieces!

5. What is your favorite quote?

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